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Adobe MAX 2024가 미국 플로리다주 마이애미에서
2024년 10월 14일(현지 시간)에 개최되었습니다.
1. Adobe MAX 2024 홈페이지 : https://www.adobe.com/max.html
Adobe MAX 2024 - The Creativity Conference
Did you miss out on Adobe MAX 2024? Don't worry, you can still explore the latest tools and trends in design, video, photography, 3D, generative AI, and more.
2. Adobe 블로그(Topic) : http://blog.adobe.com/ko/topics/adobe-max
어도비 맥스 Adobe MAX
크리에이티브 컨퍼런스
3. Adobe 블로그(Power Creator) : https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2024/10/14/adobe-max-2024-more-power-creators
Adobe MAX 2024: More power to the creators | Adobe Blog
Read more about the latest product news from Adobe from Adobe MAX, live in Miami.
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